Support the Big Picture
Membership - your support helps us to partner with industry and government to progress the following initiatives. This includes an environment that supports growth of First Nations Tourism in Queensland.
Advocacy for funding for First Nations Tourism and infrastructure such as a First Nations Cultural Centre in Brisbane and Cairns.
Partnering with Queensland Tourism Industry Council, University of Queensland & Griffith University, QFNTC are establishing a ‘First Nations Research & Innovation Hub’
Facilitating engagement for partnerships and agreements between community, industry and government, including mentoring, shared learnings and developing new and enhanced Indigenous tourism experiences.
Position First Nations tourism for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic & Paralympic Games
Industry Protocols and a Best Practice Guide for Working with First Nations Tourism in Queensland.
Increasing the use of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages across aspects of cultural tourism, including integration of languages and place names as appropriate across tourism assets and channels.
As a Member, you can say you are contributing to these outcomes.
The following are initiatives already in place or in progress for First Nations tourism operators:
Business Support and Mentorship
Queensland First Nations Tourism Council will provide business support services and mentorship programs to members, like the National Indigenous Tourism Mentoring program. This may include guidance on marketing, business development, financial management, and access to industry resources. Such support can help our members enhance their businesses and make them more competitive.
Collaboration and Networking Opportunities
As a member, you will be connected with other Indigenous and partner operators in Queensland. This opens doors for collaboration, joint marketing initiatives, and the sharing of best practices. Members can learn from each other, exchange ideas, and collectively work towards the common goal of promoting Indigenous tourism.
Advocacy and Representation
Queensland First Nations Tourism Council will advocate for your interests and concerns at regional, state, and national levels. QFNTC will represent the collective voice of our members, influencing policies, regulations, and initiatives that impact the industry. Membership will allow you to have a stronger presence and be part of the decision-making process.
Marketing and Promotion
QFNTC will actively promote you to a wider audience. This may be through inclusion in marketing campaigns, websites, social media platforms, and participation in trade shows or industry events. Such exposure can help you increase your visibility, reach new markets, and attract more visitors.
Access to Funding and Grants
QFNTC and their partners can often access funding opportunities and grants specifically aimed at supporting indigenous tourism operators. By becoming a member, operators can gain information about these funding programs and assistance in navigating the application process.
Training and Capacity Building
QFNTC will create opportunities to access to training programs and workshops tailored specifically to their members needs. These programs can cover topics like cultural interpretation, sustainable tourism practices, customer service, and hospitality management. By upskilling their knowledge and skillset, members can offer improved experiences to their guests.